The éolane teams wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous year, which will witness the deployment of our new ALIZÉS strategic plan.

In its approach of permanent innovation and to guarantee industrial and technological excellence at all times, in the beginning of 2021 éolane implemented a major transformation of its activities towards Industry 4.0 with its strategic plan ALIZÉS, making it possible to respond reactively, personalized and fluid to all of its customers.
This plan is articulated around six pillars which are all well underway:
- A reorganization of the sales teams, which has already enabled us to increase the number of our new customers,
- An adaptation of R&D to the market, which leads us to generate, once again, profitability on this essential activity for the Group,
- A regionalization of our organization and our production, which improves our proximity and responsiveness to customers and therefore their satisfaction,
- An improvement in our performance, with already tangible results in Purchasing and Supply Chain, enabling us, for example, to deal with the component crisis,
- An ability to prepare mergers and acquisitions, which, although delayed by the component crisis, remains relevant,
- A simplification of everyone's life and that of our customers and suppliers, with significant progress in terms of HR, quality, production automation, convergence of future IS, digitalization of the company...