The TG2 program offers a collective roadmap, at national level, aimed at supporting and accelerating the transformation towards the Electronics Industry of the Future. It stems from the white paper for the electronics industry in France and is managed by We Network, the Angevin Technological Resources center which supports companies in their digital transformation.

The TG2 program aims to develop a base of expertise and specialized skills in the electronics industry of the future, which does not yet exist at the national level yet, by bringing together ETI / SME manufacturers with expertise resources ensuring coordination and project management. This pooling of innovation work and different expertise will serve to accelerate the transformation of the production apparatus in the electronics industry.
Collaboration is the TG2 program key success factor, in particular for:
- Relay the necessary cooperation and transparency message to the project teams
- Pool skills and technologies
- Share technical achievements
- Share experiences
- Coordinate the technical needs and solutions evaluation for specifications drafting, suppliers choice and equipment acceptance
- Collective negotiation with suppliers
- Invite employees to visit the relevant parts of their company
The experience acquired through the first collaborative projects on miniaturization shows that it works but that these messages must be remembered. The interest is above all to participate together in projects to do more and go faster than international competition.
affirms Vincent BEDOUIN, We Network President
As such, the CENTER Region welcomed industrial members of the TG2 program at the beginning of February for a Cobotics project aiming at accelerating the installation of Cobots in the electronics industry. Four companies are participating, alongside éolane, in the realization of this project:
- All Circuits
- Deltadore
- Lacroix Electronics
- Micronique
Cobots project
The Cobots project will address the electronic card manufacturing uses and integration plants, in particular addressing miniaturization constraints, in order to study the versatility of such equipment and its implementation speed (essential for a good understanding of the ROI).
The objectives of this project are:
- Install Cobots on the production lines of each partner company in the project, integrated into the environment, workstations and information systems
- Develop different Cobots functional implementations, corresponding to as many use cases
- Take into account the specificities of electronic assembly plants (typology of tasks, miniaturization, product mix ...)
- Evaluate and characterize the operational dimensions: environment, workstations (scope, load, tools…), security, integration, connections (IS interface), rate…
- Capitalize on a Cobots implementation method and on a shared technical data base
- Establish a book of good practices and recommendations, at the service of industrialists in the sector
Cobots gradual introduction within the electronics industry should allow productivity gains, by allowing operators to transfer to tasks with higher added value (skill development), and a flexibility improvement in the manufacturing lines.
A reduction in occupational diseases and in particular MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders) is expected, in connection with the reduction of repetitive tasks for operators.
Cobots safety training
The project is planned over 17 months and is structured around several phases. The first, lasting 2 days, was held in Angers and aimed to raise awareness and provide training in safety constraints, applicable standards and the evaluation methodology by certification bodies.
The integration of a Cobot requires a risk analysis, which results in an action plan to bring Cobot applications into line with European safety standards.