Qualification Lab is the new certification laboratory of the éolane Group. It is connected to other laboratories and to all of the group's production sites.

What are the services offered by the Qualification Lab ?
- Regulation help, Risk analysis required for CE marking in Radio, EMC, BT or Atex directives. International approach for USA and Canada…
- EMC tests soon accredited ISO17025: Emission and Immunity in Automotive, Military, Aeronautic, Railway, IoT, Consumer, Medical, Measurement devices…
- Radio tests soon accredited ISO17025 for IoT : LoRa, Sigfox, BT, Wifi...
- Electrical Safety tests, mainly EN61010-1 measurement and industrial devices, EN62368-1 audio/video, information and communication technology equipment.
- In line annual control required on mass production for ECE R10 regulation (automotive)
- Obsolescence quick service: qualification of alternate references by optimization of required test plan and internal tests.
Why Qualification Lab by éolane instead of external test lab ?
- Availability provided by a priority management for our customers. Reduction of delay down to 2 weeks versus 6 to 8 weeks on external labs.
- The single French EMS able to qualify and efficiently improve EMC and radio performance of developments.
- EMC expert available for development in all phases from RAO to qualification. Partial and focused de-risking phases to optimized delay and avoid redesign due to non-conformity.
- Cost reduction of mass production design by testing improvement in the design.
Example of regulation help:
- Optimization of naming of devices of a family range to reduce cost registration in USA for FCC rules.
- Use of military or automotive tests to justify conformance to some requirements for CE marking.
- Choice of standard required for CE marking and automotive regulation on a radio device used both in train and buses.
Example of Tests performed by Qualifcation Lab:
- Main equipment’s: big Farady cage : 8.3x5.5 m with Rhode& Schwarz ESW26 : 26GHz receiver with time domain scan (1000 x faster than classical receiver) and all required antennas
- EN300220 for LoRa or other short range device for RED directive qualification
- EN300328 for BT or Wifi device for RED directive qualification
- CISPR 25 tests for ECE R10 for all Automotive ESA : Electrical/electronic sub-assembly
- EN55032 tests for ITE equipment CISPR 16-2-1 and 16-2-3 tests
- DO160 section 21 : emission aeronautic
- AECTP-500 NRE02 radiated emission 10kHz-18GHz, NCE0x conducted emissions
- Electro Static Discharge according to EN61000-4-2, NCS12 of AECTP500, DO160 section 25
And next year:
- ESD according to ISO10605
- Immunity BCI and RF at 100V/m ISO 11452-x, AECTP-500 NCS07, NRS02, DO160 section 20
- EN61000-4-3 up to 30V/m
- All ISO 7637-x
- EN61000-4-4, -4-5, -4-6, -4-8, -4-11 immunity tests for CE marking
Example of obsolescence quick service:
With a good knowledge of the equipment and a risk analysis update. We redo only required test to ensure that the new reference will maintain conformity of the device.
Customer lead. Able to provide this offer not in link with production
Qualification Lab is open to direct consultation for a new éolane customer.
Pricing :
In house lab : 2k€/day
Expert intervention : 1.2k€/day
Olivier ROY / olivier.roy@eolane.com / +33 672632995
- EMC and Radio regulation expert, Lab. Manager (more than 20 years of experience in same position)
- Atex qualified level 2 of Ineris, the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks.
- éolane representative in Redca : The Radio Equipment Directive Compliance Association.