Management, sales force and buyers mobilised
Henri Juin, Tony Quinchon, Anthony Gilbert, Grace-Lingjia Colin, Jean-Marc Hérande, Alain Umenhover, David Jacquel, Sébastien Depoorter as well as the Sales and Purchasing teams were on hand to welcome more than 150 customers and suppliers and present the latest news from the group.
Two speakers, Dr. Michael Alexander, Partner at Roland Berger, and Vincent Charlet, Executive Director of La Fabrique de l'industrie, took the floor alongside Henri to present their point of view, respectively on "The components crisis" and on "Re-industrialisation in France".
The interventions of our experts
Dr Michael Alexander gave a presentation on the component crisis: "Semiconductors - A different kind of trouble ahead?
The shortage of chip production capacity should ease in the short term as demand slows, but the fundamental mismatch between supply and demand in traditional segments of the industry remains.
Vincent Charlet's speech was on "Challenges of reindustrialisation in France": "Challenges of reindustrialisation in France", here are some extracts.
France is now one of the least industrialised countries in the world, like the United Kingdom or the United States for example [...]
[...] It is undeniable that French industry suffers from a shortage of medium-sized companies and that the predominance of large companies in our productive fabric has only increased in recent years [...].
[...] Everyone understood that it was necessary to beat the drum, mobilise the economic players, and review the dominant paradigms in order to convince producers and consumers of the need to bring back a productive capacity to France.
...One thing is certain: the strengthening of our industrial base, the territories that host it and the consequent improvement of our trade balance seem to me to be within reach, if all the stakeholders pull in the same direction...
A conference concluded by Henri Juin on éolanes' perspectives
The conference concluded with an intervention by Henri Juin on éolanes' perspectives.
Customers and suppliers were informed of the group's latest news, its financial results, the strengthening of its financial structure, its Alizés 2024 strategic plan, the response that éolane is providing to its customers in the face of the components crisis and the role that the group wishes to play in the reindustrialisation of France, particularly through its ambitious investment policy.