After temporarily suspending the activity of all its factories in France, Tuesday, March 17, in order to protect all of its employees and stop the spread of the virus, éolane restarted several production lines at the end of last week to support the national general purpose production effort.
These production units are relaunched to provide the essential elements to the group's customers who are on the front line in the response to the Covid-19, especially those whose activity is in the fields of health, energy, transportation and national and international security.
Thus, 4 sites are partially mobilized to ensure the business continuity of large French groups:
- éolane Combrée : Production for Air Liquide Medical Systems of medical respiratory ventilators, used to provide home support for patients suffering from chronic respiratory pathologies
- éolane Douarnenez : Secure communication equipment production for European public forces mobilized in the containment framework (police, firefighters, etc.)
- éolane Les Ulis : Maintenance in operational condition of air navigation safety equipment
- éolane Saint-Agrève et éolane Maroc : Cables production dedicated to the manufacture of medical respirators, life supports, for Eove, a subsidiary of Air Liquide Medical Systems, intended for hospital resuscitation services.
All of our employees are serving the general purpose in order to produce essential elements for our collective response to this unprecedented situation.
On each site, it is our volunteer employees who allow us to ensure this strategic production in this difficult context for the whole country.
The highest possible health protection measures have been put in place by the group to ensure the safety of all the teams involved (wearing a compulsory mask, social distancing, adjusting production processes to prevent contact, etc.).
These production units will remain open as long as necessary to support all the needs of the sectors concerned by the fight against the pandemic.
Chairman's message, Henri Juin:
The group and all of its subsidiaries show exceptional solidarity, we take advantage of the experience of our Chinese factories to better organize and anticipate the impacts and measures to be taken during this period. After the French, Moroccan and Estonian factories sent their available masks to our Chinese factories in February, it is their turn to send masks to our sites in France, Morocco, Germany and Estonia. Each site spontaneously decided to donate to local hospitals all of the FFP2 type masks it is receiving or will receive.
Press contact:
Damien CUCUMEL / communications@eolane.com